Hp touchpad update android
Hp touchpad update android


I hope I'm wrong, and I look forward to seeing how the real products work this summer. But ultimately, WebOS remains a me-too mobile OS that relies on the HP brand more than anything to succeed. HP could easily end up one more wannabe in that crowd.ĭon't get me wrong: Especially in its TouchPad incarnation, WebOS has attractive UI touches that many will like and may end up being copied by competitors.


RIM continues to struggle against the rising iOS and Android juggernauts, and it's much more etablished.


Will the market accept a third iOS-like mobile OS now that HP is pushing it? Maybe - but HP should take note of Nokia grasping at a mobile strategy while Symbian and MeeGo implode and Microsoft flailing with Windows Phone 7 and its long-term lack of tablet OS. Before Android came on the scene, the strategy would have been more likely to succeed - although it didn't when Palm tried. That's a risky bet, given the WebOS's largely subtle differences from Android and iOS. HP seems to have decided that the original WebOS failed because it didn't have HP behind it, but now with HP's support, it will rise in the market. Likewise, its support of Kindle, Quickoffice, and video calling are me-too apps and capabilities unworthy of the attention HP is giving them. Still, I was struck how little WebOS has changed - I'd seen and heard about the basic capabilities two years ago when WebOS first came out. On the TouchPad, there are some nice interface touches such as in how you can check email when reading a specific message. WebOS's cards UI is a nice way to navigate among apps and services - part of WebOS's native multitasking. WebOS is a decent operating system, but it's been surpassed in many respects by Apple's iOS and Google's Android. If you standardize on HP hardware, you get data and account integration. It is expected to ship this summer and supports the Touchstone technology for conductive tablet syncing.Įxcept for the multiple smartphone sizes, HP's WebOS strategy is very much a clone of Apple's, without the benefit of iTunes as your central console. Also debuting was the Pre 3, a larger device with a 3.6-inch display with a resolution twice that of the original Pre and a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor that runs at 1.4GHz. In addition to the previously announced Pre 2 that becomes available for pre-order on Verizon Wireless tomorrow, HP introduced a smaller device called the Veer, expected to ship this spring.


As part of HP's Synergy capability, entering your WebOS account name and password automatically syncs the data from your other WebOS devices, such as contacts and calendars. Another is built-in support for wireless printers from HP - and only HP. One differentiating feature is that the tablet's on-screen keyboard includes a row of numeral keys. It continues to lack enterprise-class Exchange security and management capabilities, though on-device encryption is finally being added. WebOS 2.1 adds Adobe Flash, voice dialing, and and adjustable on-screen keyboard but otherwise looks and acts very much like the previous versions.


Research in Motion plans to do something similar via Bluetooth with the PlayBook and BlackBerry, but the WebOS method is much slicker. Additionally, its "Touchstone" ability lets you sync conductively (when cases touch) to some Pre smartphones: You lay the Pre on the TouchPad the Pre essentially tethers and autosyncs its current screen and its data to the TouchPad. What sets the TouchPad apart, says Jon Rubenstein, general manager of Hewlett-Packard's Palm unit, is WebOS. The TouchPad, which is expected to ship this summer, is similar to the iPad in size, weight, and hardware capabilities. Konkret hat der Nutzer elginsk8r einen auf Android 9 Pie basierenden Evervolv-Build veröffentlicht, welcher grundsätzlich auf dem Android Open Source Project basiert, allerdings einige weitere Features mitbringt.ĭas Custom-ROM befindet sich noch in der Entwicklung, so werden aktuell weder Bluetooth noch die eingebaute Kamera unterstützt.Hewlett-Packard, with several versions of the Pre smartphone and the new TouchPad tablet, is directly targeting Apple with a suite of "connected" devices meant to provide the same range as Apple's iPad and iPhone.

hp touchpad update android

Trotz hohem Alter ist die Entwicklung von Android-Versionen für das Gerät nach wie vor aktiv und hat nun einen neuen Meilenstein erreicht. Die Geschichte der Geräte war überaus kurz, so verkündete das Unternehmen bereits im August 2011 die Einstellung der Produktreihe.ĭas Tablet selbst basierte auf webOS, lies sich allerdings auch vergleichsweise einfach und stabil mit Windows betreiben - was dem Modell auch angesichts des zuletzt äußerst geringen Preises eine gewisse Beliebtheit unter Liebhabern einbrachte.

hp touchpad update android

Im Jahr 2011 versuchte HP mit dem TouchPad, in den Markt mit Tablet-PCs einzusteigen. Mach mit bei unserer Umfrage zur Servicezufriedenheit 2022: Deine Erfahrungen sind gefragt!

Hp touchpad update android